Devlog - 10/12/21 - Prototype Update

3D Models

  • Updated Placeholder Props such as: Flashlight, Standard Shotgun, EMF Scanner, Medical Kit.
  • Added animation clips  for Monster type Animals/Beast,


  • Added Main Menu Assets.
  • Blood Splatter Effect.


  • Updated Map layout and Props in #1 Map.


  • Added Lose Condition for playable prototype version
  • Added Win Condition for playable prototype version

Link for "playable prototype" :

How to Play:

  • Explore the map to find clues for the evidence
  • Press Q to open journal and open the evidence Tab
  • Input the evidence according to the evidence number you found
  • And We're  sorry if the game still got bugs

Changes From Early Concept Pitch

In terms of gameplay, theme , and goals not so different from our early concept pitch. We still going to give the players the same experience as we propose from our early Concept Pitch.

Lesson learned from the developers
  • Nadhil Ammar -  Game Designer/Game Producer:
    Things I've learned from working on this project is that good communication is key on delivering your ideas and concepts to the team.  Communication is also important while doing task tracking so you can track everyone's task properly.
  • Raditya Awanda - 3D Artist:
    I have learned how to create 3D models that are required for this prototype. I also learned the significance of references when creating a model and/or animating a character mode
  • Dendi Stefanus - Game Programmer: I have learned how to create better programming method. I have learned delegates, lambda expression. nav mesh, Raycast, etc .
  • Dwi Septiawan - Game Programmer: I've learned how to create 2D or 3D games and this is interesting for me. And i learned how to make game with better programming method. I have Navmesh,  raycast, etc .
  • Victor – Game Tester/Level Designer:I learn how to implement a map or level through unity with probuilder and progrid. I learn how important it is to make a clean model so changes and modification will not cause mistakes.
  • Ferdy Tjung - 2D Artist: I have learned how to draw better and make a better 2D asset for games. i also learned how to make a good UI needed for this prototype, and also the importance of having multiple references when creating any kind of 2D assets.
  • Jeffrey Pranoto - Product Management: Things I have learned from working in this project is management skills whether its about time management or project management, helping other member role and doing research to give insight for our project ideas.
  • Dwi Septiawan - Game Programmer:

Get 31 - Project Dark [Discontinued]

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